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HTML5 has changed the internet

    Since the dawn of the World Wide Web in 1989, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) has evolved exponentially in the last two decades. The foundation for HTML 5 was laid back in 2004 as the aged HT......

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SEO and web designing both are co-dependent

    In the present competitive world simply having a web site is not enough. Most companies now must have an increasing presence in the world that is internet whenever they would like to reach you......

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Website Design Standards For 2016

    To perform well online, a website needs to be more than just pretty pictures. Unfortunately, not many clients seem to understand that. They think building a website is just about making the in......

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Why AI is the future of website design.

  Why AI is the future of website design. As businesses began to need a digital presence, creating a website was a complex, lengthy and expensive process and required resources that not many small ......

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The 5 Web Designing Trends of 2016

When it comes to making the internet a more welcoming and comfortable place to spend time at, webmasters and entrepreneurs are always coming up with new techniques to make the web edgier and more impr......

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Web Design vs. Web Development

  What is the difference between a web designer and a web developer? In the early days of the web, the answer to that question was simple: designers design and developers code. Today that questio......

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